The Economic Community of West African States has proposed a four-point plan to be implemented within 10 days to resolve Mali’s political crisis.

The proposals were made by West African heads of state who met via video link on Monday. In addition, the ECOWAS recommended sanctions against anyone standing in the way of the implementation of the proposals.

ECOWAS plan, which is similar to the one previously laid out in ECOWAS summit in Bamako on Thursday, recommends a power-sharing arrangement between the government and the opposition. In addition, that plan calls for 31 members of parliament whose elections were contested to step down and by-elections to be held.

ECOWAS leaders hold virtual summit to discuss the political Crisis in Mali

The M5-RFP opposition coalition has rejected the proposals but indicates they are reviewing the recommendations. “We take note, but we really believe that this is not the will of the people, it is not what we expect,” the coalition spokesman, Nouhoum Togo said in a statement.

There is growing concern that the political crisis in Mali could further destabilise the entire region. “The Heads of State… express deep concerns on this situation likely to increase instability in Mali, and in the sub-region,” ECOWAS said in a statement after the meeting.

On Thursday, leaders of five West African countries met for a one-day summit in Bamako with Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and leaders of a protest movement. The leaders from Niger, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Nigeria however, failed to secure an agreement as the M5-RFP opposition coalition that has spearheaded anti-Keita protests insisted on the resignation of the president.

ECOWAS leaders from Niger, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria meet Mali’s President and Opposition leader in Bamako to resolve the political crisis

As part of the ECOWAS proposal is the release of one of Mali’s opposition leaders, Soumaila Cissé. Mr. Soumaila was kidnapped by an unknown group days before the country’s March 25 parliamentary elections that sparked the current political tension.

Thousands of Malians took to the streets on June 5 to protest the country’s Constitutional Court’s rulings in favour of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita’s party with regards to the disputed April Parliamentary Elections. The call for protest is headed by a resurgent opposition leader and Imam of Badalabougou, Mahmoud Dicko.

Mahmoud Dicko, Oppositing figure and protest leader address protesters in Bamako, Mali

The protests have turned very violent and deadly in recent weeks. Protesters have attacked the country’s parliament and national broadcaster’s office. Main roads and bridges were blocked. At least 14 people have died in clashes between the police and protesters

Thousand gather in Bamako Mali to protest against Constitutional Court Decision


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